Imagine the sun exploding and burning up the earth and every other planet as we know it while wearing a smile on its face ...
That is the sound of the Empty Skies. A full, thick fuzz with no silly gain controls to get in the way of its full force, which then smacks a transistor based oscillator square in the face and sends it spiral out into the most horrifying screaming cacophony imaginable, but all with so much control so you never forget where the sound comes from or why its there.Not your thing? You are probably right! This is not a pedal designed for the average guitarist looking to reproduce the sound of their favourite band. This is a pedal for people who want to experiment and are not afraid of pure noise filth Set the frequency of the oscillator high for the best sounding ‘regular’ fuzz tone, turn down the frequency a touch for some really cool sub octave effects. Turn down the frequency control further and it will cut the guitar signal. Sounds like a bad thing? Not at all. Fine tune the guitar tone and volume controls and suddenly the signal appears again but different. Now add to all of this an expression control for the frequency. Heal down is low frequency and toe down is high frequency. As you are playing you can control with your foot the way the fuzz behaves, fading it in and out of hearing like a volume control or making fine adjustments to the sound trails. Then on top of all that we add a force sensing pad that also controls the frequency of the oscillator. This is where the real fun begins and is the creation of all sorts of weird and wonderful noises. Now with the frequency dial at full the force pad does nothing, but turn down the frequency and the pad will allow the mayhem loose. Now combine the force pad with an expression control and the possibilities really take an upward turn. Now if all of this has caught your attention then just wait until you stop playing the guitar. With the guitar tone rolled off the pedal will start to squeal and throbb and the frequency control becomes a kind of synth playing out notes as simply as if pressing keys so you can put down your guitar and play the pedal instead combining turning knobs and pressing on the pad to create a mad ambient soundscape. Built point to point for a lifetime and beyond of happy smiles on your face and weird looks from the neighbours whenever you see them. Priceless.