You are probably here because you have seen a demo, so you know what a versatile and crazy pedal this is. Not just your standard delay
We think the Later and Later is awesome. It may be 'just a clone' of the Mad Professor deep blue analogue delay in it's basic design, but what’s that you say? We’ve added we've added a gain pot? ... and that is where the magic happens.
If you want a clean delay set it to zero. Want a dirty delay then turn it to full. It will start to create feedback even with the repeats quite low. With the repeats up high it goes nuts, turn the repeats down to zero and the gain up and it becomes an overdrive/fuzz.
Well we say an overdrive/fuzz, but what we really mean is a turmoil of distortion akin to a hurricane, waves of noise which quickly degrade into squealing feedback. Not your typical delay indeed.
On top of all of this we provide the ability to control time using and expression pedal or CV input which can turn a light slapback delay into a gnarly noisefest underfoot ranging from broken tape warbles through to alien rectal examination sounds. Prepare to be abductedIt's really rather good. I could probably do a full on ambient/metal gig with just three of these and a reverb.